Source code for dataset_creator.base_dataset

import re
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

from .utils import get_seq

[docs]class DatasetBlock(object): """ By default, the data sequences block generated is NEXUS and we use BioPython tools to convert it to other formats such as FASTA. However, sometimes the blo Parameters: data (named tuple): containing: * gene_codes: list * number_chars: string * number_taxa: string * seq_records: list of SeqRecordExpanded objects * gene_codes_and_lengths: OrderedDict codon_positions (str): str. Can be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 1st-2nd, ALL (default). partitioning (str): aminoacids (boolean): degenerate (str): format (str): NEXUS, PHYLIP or FASTA. outgroup (str): Specimen code of taxon that should be used as outgroup. """ def __init__(self, data, codon_positions, partitioning, aminoacids=None, degenerate=None, format=None, outgroup=None): self.warnings = [] = data self.codon_positions = codon_positions self.partitioning = partitioning self.aminoacids = aminoacids self.degenerate = degenerate self.format = format self.outgroup = outgroup self._blocks = []
[docs] def dataset_block(self): """Creates the block with taxon names and their sequences. Override this function if the dataset block needs to be different due to file format. Example: CP100_10_Aus_aus ACGATRGACGATRA... CP100_11_Aus_bus ACGATRGACGATRA... ... """ self.split_data() out = [] for block in self._blocks: out.append(self.convert_to_string(block)) return '\n'.join(out).strip() + '\n;\nEND;'
[docs] def split_data(self): """Splits the list of SeqRecordExpanded objects into lists, which are kept into a bigger list. If the file_format is Nexus, then it is only partitioned by gene. If it is FASTA, then it needs partitioning by codon positions if required. Example: >>> blocks = [ ... [SeqRecord1, SeqRecord2], # for gene 1 ... [SeqRecord1, SeqRecord2], # for gene 2 ... [SeqRecord1, SeqRecord2], # for gene 3 ... [SeqRecord1, SeqRecord2], # for gene 4 ... ] """ this_gene_code = None for seq_record in if this_gene_code is None or this_gene_code != seq_record.gene_code: this_gene_code = seq_record.gene_code self._blocks.append([]) list_length = len(self._blocks) self._blocks[list_length - 1].append(seq_record)
[docs] def convert_to_string(self, block): """Makes gene_block as str from list of SeqRecordExpanded objects of a gene_code. Override this function if the dataset block needs to be different due to file format. This block will need to be split further if the dataset is FASTA or TNT and the partitioning scheme is 1st-2nd, 3rd. As the dataset is split into several blocks due to 1st-2nd, 3rd we cannot translate to aminoacids or degenerate the sequences. """ if self.partitioning != '1st-2nd, 3rd': return self.make_datablock_by_gene(block) else: if self.format == 'FASTA': return self.make_datablock_considering_codon_positions_as_fasta_format(block) else: return self.make_datablock_by_gene(block)
[docs] def make_datablock_considering_codon_positions_as_fasta_format(self, block): block_1st2nd = OrderedDict() block_1st = OrderedDict() block_2nd = OrderedDict() block_3rd = OrderedDict() for seq_record in block: # splitting each block in two if seq_record.gene_code not in block_1st2nd: block_1st2nd[seq_record.gene_code] = [] if seq_record.gene_code not in block_1st: block_1st[seq_record.gene_code] = [] if seq_record.gene_code not in block_2nd: block_2nd[seq_record.gene_code] = [] if seq_record.gene_code not in block_3rd: block_3rd[seq_record.gene_code] = [] taxonomy_as_string = self.flatten_taxonomy(seq_record) taxon_id = '>{0}{1}'.format(seq_record.voucher_code, taxonomy_as_string) taxon_id = taxon_id[0:54] block_1st2nd[seq_record.gene_code].append('{0}\n{1}\n'.format(taxon_id, seq_record.first_and_second_codon_positions())) block_1st[seq_record.gene_code].append('{0}\n{1}\n'.format(taxon_id, seq_record.first_codon_position())) block_2nd[seq_record.gene_code].append('{0}\n{1}\n'.format(taxon_id, seq_record.second_codon_position())) block_3rd[seq_record.gene_code].append('{0}\n{1}\n'.format(taxon_id, seq_record.third_codon_position())) out = self.convert_block_dicts_to_string(block_1st2nd, block_1st, block_2nd, block_3rd) return out
[docs] def convert_block_dicts_to_string(self, block_1st2nd, block_1st, block_2nd, block_3rd): """Takes into account whether we need to output all codon positions.""" out = "" # We need 1st and 2nd positions if self.codon_positions in ['ALL', '1st-2nd']: for gene_code, seqs in block_1st2nd.items(): out += '>{0}_1st-2nd\n----\n'.format(gene_code) for seq in seqs: out += seq elif self.codon_positions == '1st': for gene_code, seqs in block_1st.items(): out += '>{0}_1st\n----\n'.format(gene_code) for seq in seqs: out += seq elif self.codon_positions == '2nd': for gene_code, seqs in block_2nd.items(): out += '>{0}_2nd\n----\n'.format(gene_code) for seq in seqs: out += seq # We also need 3rd positions if self.codon_positions in ['ALL', '3rd']: for gene_code, seqs in block_3rd.items(): out += '\n>{0}_3rd\n----\n'.format(gene_code) for seq in seqs: out += seq return out
[docs] def make_datablock_by_gene(self, block): out = None for seq_record in block: if not out: out = '[{0}]\n'.format(seq_record.gene_code) taxonomy_as_string = self.flatten_taxonomy(seq_record) taxon_id = '{0}{1}'.format(seq_record.voucher_code, taxonomy_as_string) taxon_id = taxon_id[0:54] sequence = get_seq(seq_record, self.codon_positions, aminoacids=self.aminoacids, degenerate=self.degenerate) seq = sequence.seq if sequence.warning: self.warnings.append(sequence.warning) out += '{0}{1}\n'.format(taxon_id.ljust(55), seq) return out
[docs] def flatten_taxonomy(self, seq_record): out = '' if seq_record.taxonomy is None: return out else: try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['orden'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['superfamily'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['family'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['subfamily'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['tribe'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['subtribe'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['genus'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['species'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['subspecies'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['author'] except KeyError: pass try: out += "_" + seq_record.taxonomy['hostorg'] except KeyError: pass out = out.replace(" ", "_") out = re.sub("_$", "", out) return re.sub('_+', '_', out)
[docs]class DatasetFooter(object): """Builds charset block: Parameters: data (namedtuple): with necessary info for dataset creation. codon_positions (str): `1st`, `2nd`, `3rd`, `1st-2nd`, `ALL`. partitioning (str): `by gene`, `by codon position`, `1st-2nd, 3rd`. outgroup (str): voucher code to be used as outgroup for NEXUS and TNT files. Example: >>> begin mrbayes; charset ArgKin = 1-596; charset COI-begin = 597-1265; charset COI_end = 1266-2071; charset ef1a = 2072-3311; charset RpS2 = 3312-3722; charset RpS5 = 3723-4339; charset wingless = 4340-4739; set autoclose=yes; prset applyto=(all) ratepr=variable brlensp=unconstrained:Exp(100.0) shapepr=exp(1.0) tratiopr=beta(2.0,1.0); lset applyto=(all) nst=mixed rates=gamma [invgamma]; unlink statefreq=(all); unlink shape=(all) revmat=(all) tratio=(all) [pinvar=(all)]; mcmc ngen=10000000 printfreq=1000 samplefreq=1000 nchains=4 nruns=2 savebrlens=yes [temp=0.11]; sump relburnin=yes [no] burninfrac=0.25 [2500]; sumt relburnin=yes [no] burninfrac=0.25 [2500] contype=halfcompat [allcompat]; END; """ def __init__(self, data, codon_positions=None, partitioning=None, outgroup=None): = data self.codon_positions = codon_positions self.partitioning = partitioning self.outgroup = outgroup self._validate_partitioning(partitioning) self._validate_codon_positions(codon_positions) self.charset_block = self.make_charset_block() self.partition_line = self.make_partition_line() def _validate_partitioning(self, partitioning): if partitioning is None: self.partitioning = 'by gene' elif partitioning not in ['by gene', 'by codon position', '1st-2nd, 3rd']: raise AttributeError("Partitioning parameter should be one of these: " "None, 'by gene', 'by codon position', '1st-2nd, 3rd") def _validate_codon_positions(self, codon_positions): if codon_positions is None: self.codon_positions = 'ALL' elif codon_positions not in ['1st', '2nd', '3rd', '1st-2nd', 'ALL']: raise AttributeError("Codon positions parameter should be one of these: " "None, '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '1st-2nd', 'ALL'")
[docs] def make_charset_block(self): """ Override this function for Phylip dataset as the content is different and goes into a separate file. """ out = 'begin mrbayes;\n' out += self.make_charsets() return out.strip()
[docs] def make_charsets(self): """ Override this function for Phylip dataset as the content is different and goes into a separate file. """ count_start = 1 out = '' for gene_code, lengths in count_end = lengths[0] + count_start - 1 out += self.format_charset_line(gene_code, count_start, count_end) count_start = count_end + 1 return out
[docs] def format_charset_line(self, gene_code, count_start, count_end): slash_number = self.make_slash_number() suffixes = self.make_gene_code_suffixes() corrected_count = self.correct_count_using_reading_frames(gene_code, count_start, count_end) out = '' for index, val in enumerate(suffixes): out += ' charset {0}{1} = {2}{3};\n'.format(gene_code, suffixes[index], corrected_count[index], slash_number) return out
[docs] def make_slash_number(self): """ Charset lines have \2 or \3 depending on type of partitioning and codon positions requested for our dataset. :return: """ if self.partitioning == 'by codon position' and self.codon_positions == '1st-2nd': return '\\2' elif self.partitioning in ['by codon position', '1st-2nd, 3rd'] and self.codon_positions in ['ALL', None]: return '\\3' else: return ''
[docs] def make_gene_code_suffixes(self): try: return self.suffix_for_one_codon_position() except KeyError: return self.suffix_for_several_codon_positions()
[docs] def suffix_for_one_codon_position(self): sufixes = { '1st': '_pos1', '2nd': '_pos2', '3rd': '_pos3', } return [sufixes[self.codon_positions]]
[docs] def suffix_for_several_codon_positions(self): if self.codon_positions == 'ALL' and self.partitioning == 'by gene': return [''] elif self.codon_positions == '1st-2nd' and self.partitioning in ['by gene', '1st-2nd, 3rd']: return ['_pos12'] elif self.codon_positions == '1st-2nd' and self.partitioning == 'by codon position': return ['_pos1', '_pos2'] if self.partitioning == 'by codon position': return ['_pos1', '_pos2', '_pos3'] elif self.partitioning == '1st-2nd, 3rd': return ['_pos12', '_pos3']
[docs] def correct_count_using_reading_frames(self, gene_code, count_start, count_end): reading_frame =[gene_code] bp = BasePairCount(reading_frame, self.codon_positions, self.partitioning, count_start, count_end) return bp.get_corrected_count()
[docs] def make_partition_line(self): out = 'partition GENES = {0}: '.format(len( * len(self.make_gene_code_suffixes())) out += ', '.join(self.add_suffixes_to_gene_codes()) out += ';' out += '\n\nset partition = GENES;' return out
[docs] def add_suffixes_to_gene_codes(self): """Appends pos1, pos2, etc to the gene_code if needed.""" out = [] for gene_code in for sufix in self.make_gene_code_suffixes(): out.append('{0}{1}'.format(gene_code, sufix)) return out
[docs] def get_outgroup(self): """Generates the outgroup line from the voucher code specified by the user. """ if self.outgroup is not None: outgroup_taxonomy = '' for i in if self.outgroup == i.voucher_code: outgroup_taxonomy = '{0}_{1}'.format(i.taxonomy['genus'], i.taxonomy['species']) break outgroup = '\noutgroup {0}_{1};'.format(self.outgroup, outgroup_taxonomy) else: outgroup = '' return outgroup
[docs]class BasePairCount(object): """ Uses reading frame info, partitioning method and number of codon positions to return corrected base pair count for charset lines. Example: >>> bp_count = BasePairCount(reading_frame=1, codon_positions='1st-2nd', ... partitioning='by codon position', ... count_start=100, count_end=512) >>> bp_count.get_corrected_count() [ '100-512', '101-513', ] """ def __init__(self, reading_frame=None, codon_positions=None, partitioning=None, count_start=None, count_end=None): self._partitioning = self._set_partitioning(partitioning) self._codon_positions = self._set_codon_positions(codon_positions) self._reading_frame = self._set_reading_frame(reading_frame) self._count_start = self._set_count_start(count_start) self._count_end = self._set_count_end(count_end) def _set_codon_positions(self, codon_positions): if not codon_positions: raise ValueError("_codon_positions argument is needed. Can't be None") else: return codon_positions def _set_reading_frame(self, reading_frame): if not reading_frame and self._partitioning in ['by codon position', '1st-2nd, 3rd']: raise ValueError("_reading_frame argument is needed. Can't be None") else: return reading_frame def _set_partitioning(self, partitioning): if not partitioning: raise ValueError("_partitioning argument is needed. Can't be None") else: return partitioning def _set_count_start(self, count_start): if not count_start: raise ValueError("codon_start argument is needed. Can't be None") else: return count_start def _set_count_end(self, count_end): if not count_end: raise ValueError("codon_end argument is needed. Can't be None") else: return count_end
[docs] def get_corrected_count(self): if self._codon_positions == '1st-2nd' and self._partitioning in ['by gene', 'by codon position', '1st-2nd, 3rd']: return self._using_1st2nd_codons() if self._codon_positions == 'ALL' and self._partitioning == 'by codon position': return self._using_all_codons_partition_by_codon_position() if self._codon_positions in ['ALL', '1st', '2nd', '3rd'] and self._partitioning == 'by gene': return self._using_all_codons_partition_by_gene() if self._codon_positions in ['1st', '2nd', '3rd'] and self._partitioning in ['by codon position', '1st-2nd, 3rd']: return self._using_one_codon_position_partitioned_by_codon_position(self._codon_positions) if self._codon_positions == 'ALL' and self._partitioning == '1st-2nd, 3rd': return self._using_all_codons_partition_by_1st2nd_3rd()
def _using_1st2nd_codons(self): return [ '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 1, self._count_end), ] def _using_all_codons_partition_by_codon_position(self): if self._reading_frame == 1: return [ '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 1, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 2, self._count_end), ] elif self._reading_frame == 2: return [ '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 1, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 2, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end), ] else: return [ '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 2, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 1, self._count_end), ] def _using_one_codon_position_partitioned_by_codon_position(self, position): return [ '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end), ] def _using_all_codons_partition_by_gene(self): return [ '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end,) ] def _using_all_codons_partition_by_1st2nd_3rd(self): if self._reading_frame == 1: return [ '{0}-{1}\\3 {2}-{3}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end, self._count_start + 1, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 2, self._count_end), ] elif self._reading_frame == 2: return [ '{0}-{1}\\3 {2}-{3}'.format(self._count_start + 1, self._count_end, self._count_start + 2, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start, self._count_end), ] else: return [ '{0}-{1}\\3 {2}-{3}'.format(self._count_start + 2, self._count_end, self._count_start, self._count_end), '{0}-{1}'.format(self._count_start + 1, self._count_end), ]